Crimes with brain scanners, human detectors, other devices and me

Main achivement of Human Traffickers is a about ~520000 people in slavery every year

49.6 million people were living in modern slavery in 2021, of which 27.6 million were in forced labour and 22 million in forced marriage.

1 in every 150 people are victims. In Ukraine - every person except "Big White Brotherhood"

About violence from brainwashed criminals

They violate my rights by limiting access to information, deprivation of will, privacy, equality of citizens and violate right to life, and freedom of assembly and association from 2010 to now. From April 2021 I sometimes record logs and magnetic field in different places of Mirgorod in Ukraine.

Its not a Game but Bla Bla Bla

I`m random enemy for criminal/cult group from my childhood, imho and in fact scientology criminal group, they say something about "Freedom Fox" and "triad" who supposed to left a China in past and but i cant believe them but they all looks like canonical piracy from Ukraine - all of them liars and always can betray you, they decide to create and delivery torrent with Intel confidential leaks - for this they start narco and electromagnetic terror in IT office near center of Kharkiv city - there they/we develop one popular chat app and one European payment system - at that time. Like Riabchevski and one US company .....

About this terrorists:

From start of my life in Kharkiv one girl, she call self "fox", propose relationship, after that relationship and based on my crush, poison me and try to brainwash and use me in the same way as live proxy for piracy, this scientology girl from National Guard Academy... And in 2016, they demonstrated to me the achievements in controlling victims by radio hypnosis - they forced me to sign a religious document, the content of which I do not know, and all I managed to understand there was that I had to enter a fictional ID. After, when I again try to find myself, restore my health and mental state, "friends", this is a big group of the online pirates - military, police and other workers with access to government networks and persistent agents, start use this situation and learn how they can control and brainwash me too, because if someone use this and you we can too - quote, some of them decide to be a group of "hackers" with name "187", maybe this SSU or Ua Army, this guys violate article 163, article 182, article 161, article 149, article 146, article 127 ..... with narcoterror and pressure to a victims and CIDT with narcoterror and brainwashing in some pubs - Kharkiv Saint Patrick, Old Hem or Mirgorod Capsula - visitors and owners who have either already been sold into slavery or who are making money from human trade or are being in process. In August 2020, at the address Druzhba Narodiv 202, the apartment I was renting was struck with an electromagnetic pulse, as a result of which I lost part of my self and, under the action of the EM field, cut the veins on my hands. After, when I was in a deplorable state, I was given remote "lectures" by Maryna Hrybanova with army, article 433, in my apartment. And for my "happiness" they all part of cult or part of criminal groups. They use weapons like "Medusa", maybe radar or special mobile base station etc, against me and during last 3 years they "burned" my brain, hypophysis, hippocamp and other parts of body, heart and million times make tries to control my neural circuits with words about resistance with the help of the will - physics works regardless of views, desires or beliefs. On this image we have model on human brain neural network ( embryon at start of brain development ), all neuron axon an dendrites are a electric cables, and all this attacks destroy me, my health and my brain, because my brain and body its me, psychological violence create pavlov dog from the remaining part of brain, destroy memory and all pattern recognition and processing system ( Psychic driving in military neuroscience, Military Neuroscience and the Coming Age of Neurowarfare p. 44-45 - The experiments took place at the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal between 1957 and 1964 and were initially funded by CIA front organizations. Cameron called his method ‘depatterning’ that he defined ‘as breaking up existing patterns of behavior, both the normal and the schizophrenic, by means of particularly intensive electroshocks, usually combined with prolonged, drug-induced sleep’ (Marks, 1979: 133). The goal was to wipe the brains of test subjects clean of memories, so that they could be reprogrammed by Cameron using tapes with verbal suggestions. ), this is killing ( failure of all organism functions ), I get problem with organs and after described and other action of this type, brain and spinal cord never restore or restoration can take years - this destroy neural circuits when produce electric impulses by induction:

Without normal work of the hippo-campus and with everyday voice and electromagnetic manipulations I can`t normally live or work. 2022 - a Scientology communist prostitute who worked or works at school as a Ukrainian language teacher on the orders of these military communist bastards broke my brain with microwaves and NLP, which finally took away the ability to think.

In the last 3 years, I "managed" to start thinking independently about 3 times - and each time this skill/ability was taken away from me in a couple of hours - I spent thousands of my money and months of my time on it.


Scientology Piracy/traffickers cyber-terrorists and other human traffickers:

Hubmee startup workers with nazi radio skills - Stas Khort,, and others like Digifico and Creator IQ Ukraine - 2023.38.09

Unknown to me military people, Gaiko Valentin, stepfather - human trafficker ( try to remote controll me many times and give army permission to control me in my 18? or 19? and in past controlled by Riabchevskiy ) and Vlad Rybalko, Ihor Ryabchevskiy, Oleksandr Osnach, police officer Volodymyr ( Scientology lobby ), Yarmola Andriy, the address of the parents residence Sorochynska 148a Myrhorod, Kondratenko Anna and sometimes her relatives ( Scientology ) - she want create from me same creathure as her brother - slave, Fedorenko Oleksandr - Scientology, brother Vybor younger, Vladyslav nicknamed ʼʼMalyʼʼ and his girlfriend who works in IT - crackers and human traffickeers, and some part of police ( imho piracy or hubbard ), and police appruved criminals ( imho piracy or hubbard ) - most often they are the ones who distribute access and set up an electromagnetic background that worsens my condition - human trafficker, in my opinion, most common human traffickers, cybercriminals, device crackers and DEW terrorists - Hayko Valeriya Valerievna, Michurina St, 5А, Myrhorod, Poltavs'ka oblast, 37600 - scientology/hentai brainwasher and want to control me and get all my property - has army access to PC, Arseniy Kuznetsov - apple, Oleksandr Gurin - piracy, Liza, Taras Lavryk ( sometimes controlled by Riabchewskiy ) and his friends Mykhailo and Yaroslav. Vitalia Sydorenko, Ruslana Sydorenko - they all use police mind and remote control on me, her younger sister - human trafficking, Konev Andriy - human trafficking, Hrybanova Marina - human trafficking, Vladyslav Demchenko ???, Chunikhina/Mizulina Elizavetta ( girl ) and her acquaintances - human trafficking, the Hubbard cult (Scientology) - human trafficking, Anton, I do not know the last name - a former member of the Myrhorod party Lyashka, Melnyk Oleksandr - human trafficking and victim, Volodymyr Melnyk - human trafficking, Pavel Svetych ???, Maryana Ro - human trafficking and her familiar blonde twins - human trafficking, cybercrimes and brainwashing, Andriy Karandashov ???, Marina "Venus" - human trafficking, Sea ORG and others - human trafficking and computer hacking as a necessity for my "rescue"., Mykhailo Shiryaev, Sobakar Andriy, Maksym Kaminsky, Tetiana Khyzha-Zagachevska. Arkadiy from Kharkiv Patrik pub 3. Victoria Marchenko. All has army access to PC/laptops. And all use their brainwaves for keep me in unhealth state.

Darina/Daria ??? BloodMoon, Zakhar or Olexandr and Olexandr and Maxim and gilrs: Nastia ????.

Brainwashers and users of BBI ( radiate you by signal recorded from their life activity ): Mirgorod Capsula workers and co-owners or owner friends, Vitalia Sydorenko, Ruslana Sydorenko - they all use police mind and remote control on me, her younger sister - human trafficking, Konev Andriy - human trafficking, Hrybanova Marina - human trafficking, Vladyslav Demchenko ???, SVS internet provider ??? - perhaps network controlled by criminals, Dmitriy hardware pirate from Kharkiv Red Door pub, Digifico owner as Interpol ( or lier ) worker from Hubbard cult and with interest in piracy trought people of Ukraine, Requestum owner, Digifico and Chanty workers, Requestum workers, some Kharkive IT workers - Old Hem community. Afro-american/american foreign citizens.

Part of my Instagram subcribtions look like a victims - Hubbard cult and piracy absolutely crasy.

Retelling what was heard under torture and brainwashing:

And now Im in Mirgorod/Ukraine do this change at 6 am 2022/10/19, some creatures call all this crimes a "GAME". This is a "GAME" with every day cyber attacks on my devices and electromagnetic damage to my health. Only crazy freak can give name "GAME" to a killing. Today I today try to stop attacks from unofficial ukrainian scientology, police and army mafia and other "users" of my life from childhood - because this all look like MK Ultra Ukraine. 2022.11.18 - ukraine police/piracy/scientology pupets about 2 years, as I can know, use computrace out of band network and violate Article 182,149 in their plans use me like rondroid for "remote" work in IT companies. Police, SSU, Army criminals and scientologysts share computrace screen and consoles to scientology, local and Kharkiv criminals and decide traine them to kill and control mythical Russians in life on me but for now it online piracy and crimes. This Police, SSU, Army criminals and scientologysts is a Ukraine human traffickers - can negotiate with a number of local and other manufacturers to add a drug to cigarettes or drinks that will make you vomit blood in combination with other foods or drugs - for example, I live on pills... One good thing is that now I don't distribute torrents, and 10 years ago this has been my duty in slavery and I think all they did the same to me as they do now, but this is probably the reason that the pirates revoked my rights and record my laptop screen around the clock. And as I can see - government wont help me or stop the criminals - they say that my value is not worth saving me from criminals - and today 2022.11.21 they say its for US CIA. All the participants of the described and unmentioned actions are my sworn enemies - most of them are citizens of Ukraine - they torture me for days to make my brain obey every electromagnetic or verbal command - this is dead for me. I am afraid that because of this - Operation Snow White - experience of these criminals, look like they lobbi MK Ultra, the police either do not receive my statements or everything has already been overwritten on their servers - and for 2022.11.24 all the same and I know schools where this criminals get their education. 2023.01.18 - same shit with scientology/hubbards human traders, government, online piracy and fucking others. 2023.01.29 - same shit with scientology/hubbards human traders, government, online piracy and fucking others.

08.02.2023 - I am tele radio controlled human pig from Poltava oblast human resources facility. 2023.02.18 - hm, same and looks like i have to many ~wifes~, LRGB. 2023.03.06 - same shit with scientology/hubbards human traders, government, online piracy and fucking others - they try to create ( quote: ) HUMINT from ukrainian people and connect all of them in IT cluster... 2023.03.07 - electronic warfare act about 03.50 or 04.00 - they again damage my organs and CNS. Hubbard start their brainwashing after that. Fucking talking Chunihina and Hubbard...

2023.04.09 - they try to kill me by EMF multiple times. Stupid fucking triada cospleers with hentai brainwashing has joined to this scientology slave factory. I build new PC from new details and they from first day of using start attack motherboard by RF and use CPU and motherboard, monitor EMF like by in technique was called ‘radio-hypnotic intercerebral control’ and ‘electronic dissolution of memory’ (RHIC-EDOM). But PC is realy better. And piracy stole their favorite weapon from Scientology and engaged in slow suicide ( direct energy and neurological 'tetan' or 'thetan' ). It would be really cool if it happened without me. And they took on all the sinfulness of having sex with Scientology girls. Scientology use formaldehyde and with criminals and police create from me empty headed something. And I feel pain every day 24/7. Forge brainwave fingerprints for manipulation of the investigation - and use all ability of tech for remote control of slaves. 2023.05.02 - all same do the same - look like UA only assist and by use police special microwave means for coercion (violence) of the population stole my real id. And today again military scientologist burn me by radar impulse. 2023.05.28/29 Looks like they kill my rice cooker and set focal point inside my head - slow and repeat destroy my hippocampus, neurons and capillaries with abhorrent voice of Hayko Valeriya Valerievna. For 2023.05.30 - damage to property in the form of equipment in the amount of 50,000 Ukrainian hryvnias, damage to intellectual property in the amount of 245,000 dollars, damage to health and psyche - 4 times on the brink of death and driven crazy and programmed around the clock. Criminals controll me and I can`t leave mind controll without help...

2024.07.28 - the same .... Ukrainian army project with Yusmalos and Scientology to "transfer consciousness" from me to their "members".

2024.08.30 - the same .... Ukrainian army project with Yusmalos and Scientology to "transfer consciousness" from me to their "members".

2024.09.30 - the same .... Ukrainian old ( White Brotherhood with others pro-soviet or pro-neurological warfare actors ) army project with Yusmalos and Scientology to "transfer consciousness" from me to their "members" - neurological piracy with skill stealing with voice and radio sound depaterning in 'stasi' condition.

2024.12.03 - the same .... Ukrainian old ( White Brotherhood with others pro-soviet or pro-neurological warfare actors ) army project with Yusmalos and Scientology to "transfer consciousness" from me to their "members" - neurological piracy with skill stealing with voice and radio sound depaterning in 'stasi' condition. Multiple radio operators from Ukrainian army on Russia side, police and SSU manipulate trought rTMS coused by EW and by this cancel my right to intellectual property.

2024.12.10 - the same .... Ukrainian old ( White Brotherhood with others pro-soviet or pro-neurological warfare actors ) army project with Yusmalos and Scientology to "transfer consciousness" from me to their "members" - neurological piracy with skill stealing with voice and radio sound depaterning in 'stasi' condition. Multiple radio operators from Ukrainian army on Russia side, police and SSU manipulate trought rTMS coused by EW and by this cancel my right to intellectual property. And they use inductances from blacklight circuit of my old backup monitor from DELL for something like "remote viewing".

2024.12.22 - the same .... Ukrainian old ( White Brotherhood with others pro-soviet or pro-neurological warfare actors and human traffickers/traders ) army project with Yusmalos and Scientology to "transfer consciousness" from me to their "members" - neurological piracy with skill stealing with voice and radio sound depaterning in 'stasi' condition. Multiple radio operators from Ukrainian army on Russia side, police and SSU manipulate trought rTMS coused by EW and by this cancel my right to intellectual property. And they use inductances from blacklight circuit of my old backup monitor from DELL for something like "remote viewing". Today i see some old 'militia' workers from old Azov?

About phones, PCA/CDA/SD computers:

They steal circuitry and firmware code from manufacturing companies in order to burn or remove systems and components of human protection against computer high-frequency radiation, cyber-attacks and brainwash victims, create nerve impulses ( Radio-frequency induction ), create phosphines for victims, and use devices as source of voice manipulations - slow killing like in unhuman experiments and destruction through labor if you at work or with work. Always use CDA/PCA/Security device without proper legal acts - illegally - without state court decision and notification about this. Forge brainwave fingerprints for manipulation of the investigation - and use all ability of tech for remote control of slaves and use their brainwaves for keep victim in unhealth state.

On them illegal collection of biometric, personal and sensitive data from hacked sources and government networks - for human trafficking.

And they, with police criminals, use TMS ( transcranial magnetic stimulation ) and rTMS ( repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation ), extremely low freaquency and high-frequency, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) against "patients" who has nicotine, alcogol or drugs addiction and against people with cancer or other form of brain or neural disease, some people die from this actions in past - I know about 2 women in Ukraine and we have more dead in Ukraine and other countries. They use BBI ( radiate you by signal recorded from their life activity ) and TMS at your home without certification, proper equipment and without your permission. And in process try to control you or create your "shadow" who every day know what you think or do. Most common of rTMS source is power-line in living rooms with connected power adapters ( impulse adapters ) and with current injection attack/ rTMS signal generator in outer world.

List of circutry and firmware:

Piracy always has hard work and hard workers by their nature and always write 10 line of the same code by hands.

My aberration:

Sometimes I can bought and smoke Lucky Strike for morale-boosting but in my country they have strange benzole taste or maybe this is my health problems - with glands of internal secretion. Or someone realy change the recipes for them, it can be like a situation with poisoned water bottles from an unknown source and previously unreleased brand.

Instruments for slave traders, Information from google patents and other sources

  • Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves. Worldwide applications - 1974 US(expired) 1975 ZA AU(expired).

    Totally affect human rights.

    Can damage will, freedom, privacy, consciousness, health. For start is a torture after long time this is dead for me.

    • Article 182. Violation of the inviolability of private life
    • Article 149. Human trafficking
    • Article 146. Illegal deprivation of liberty/will or kidnapping of a person
    • Article 127. Torture

    This is a DEW or close to this type of weapons and NFC devices. Some computer and phone screens can radiate on needed frequency. All devices of this type destroy neural circuints when produce electric impulses by induction.

    Description: Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject's brain waves.

    Part from patent:

    In addition to channeling its information to display devices 24,
    the computer 26 can also produce signals to control an auxiliary
    transmitter 28. Transmitter 28 is used to produce a compensating
    signal which is transmitted to the brain 10 of the subject 8 by
    the antenna 4. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the
    compensating signal is derived as a function of the received
    brain wave signals, although it can be produced separately.
    The compensating signals
    affect electrical activity within the brain 10.
    Various configurations of suitable apparatus and electronic
    circuitry may be utilized to form the system generally shown
    in FIG.1 and one of the many possible configurations is
    illustrated in FIG. 2. In the example shown therein, two
    signals, one of 100 MHz and the other of 210 MHz are
    transmitted simultaneously and combine in the brain 10
    to form a resultant wave of frequency equal to the difference
    in frequencies of the incident signals, i.e., 110 MHz.
    The sum of the two incident frequencies is also available,
    but is discarded in subsequent filtering. The 100 MHz signal
    is obtained at the output 37 of an RF power divider 34 into
    which a 100 MHz signal generated by an oscillator 30 is injected.
    The oscillator 30 is of a conventional type employing either
    crystals for fixed frequency circuits or a tunable circuit set
    to oscillate at 100 MHz. It can be a pulse generator, square
    wave generator or sinusoidal wave generator. The RF power
    divider can be any conventional VHF, UHF or SHF frequency range
    device constructed to provide, at each of three outputs,
    a signal identical in frequency to that applied to its input.
  • Apparatus for measuring electric field radiation from living bodies. Worldwide applications 1967 US(expired).

    Affect some human rights.

    This like organic detector from Star Trek and can be use for surveillance.

    • Article 182. Violation of the inviolability of private life

    Can damage freedom, consciousness, health.

    Description: An antenna, electrically short in comparison to a wavelength to be received, is positioned in close proximity to a living body to receive the electric energy radiated therefrom in the frequency range of from 0 to 3 khz. An impedance matching device is connected directly to the antenna to convert the received energy into electrical signals for processing.

    Part from patent:

    It has been known that functioning muscles and nerves naturally
    generate electricity and that such activity within a living body
    could be monitored by attaching electrodes to the bodys surface.
    Examples of monitoring devices which have been developed to monitor
    this internal activity include the electrocardiogram (EKG) which
    records heart activity; the electroencephalogram (EEG) which
    monitors brain activity; the electromyogram (EMG) which monitors
    muscle activity. Other devices have been developed to monitor
    other body functions such as respiration rate and skin resistance.
  • System and method for inducing sleep by transplanting mental states. Worldwide applications 2019 US.

    Looks like way to the manipulation and hypnosis(brainwashing).

    Totally affect human rights.

    Someone can use 'cracked' OS or DSP and headphones or computer stereo speaker for this and damage health of the victim.

    Can damage will, freedom, consciousness, health.

    • Article 127. Torture

    Describe: A method of replicating a mental state of a first subject in a second subject comprising: capturing a mental state of the first subject represented by brain activity patterns; and replicating the mental state of the first subject in the second subject by inducing the brain activity patterns in the second subject.

  • Method and apparatus for neuroenhancement to enhance emotional response. Worldwide applications 2018 WO EP US US US 2022 US.

    And I still love music :) Mathematically hard and can be used in brainwashing but in most cases you may recognize this and understand, avoid. Used by the Scientology criminals and other criminals. Original film from church has additional sounds in record and can create strange strong feelings when you watch this shit(IMHO).

    Someone can use 'cracked' OS or DSP and headphones or computer stereo speaker for this and damage health of the victim.

    Can damage will, freedom, consciousness, health.

    • Article 127. Torture

    Describe: A method of transplanting a desired emotional state from a donor to a recipient, comprising determining an emotional state of the donor; recording neural correlates of the emotional state of the donor who is in the desired emotional state; analyzing neural correlates of the emotional state of the donor to decode at least one of a temporal and a spatial pattern corresponding to the desirable emotional state; converting said at least one of a temporal and a spatial pattern corresponding to the desirable emotional state into a neurostimulation pattern; storing the neurostimulation pattern in the nonvolatile memory; retrieving the neurostimulation pattern from the nonvolatile memory; stimulating the recipient's brain with at least one stimulus modulated with the neurostimulation pattern to induce the desired emotional state in the recipient.

  • BrainNet: A Multi-Person Brain-to-Brain Interface for Direct Collaboration Between Brains. Published: 16 April 2019.

    Totally affect human rights if you wan`t use this.

    This can kill your decision centers in brain. Receiver get magnetic stimulation from 2 electromagnets near the temples. I don`t know all what can do this magnetic fields with brain by the created effects after long time of stimulation but I sure - EMF damage vessels (Hall_effect_on_blood).

    Someone can use 'cracked' OS or DSP and headphones or computer stereo speaker for this and damage health of the victim. Used by the scientology criminals and other criminals.

    Can damage will, freedom, consciousness, heath. For start is a torture after long time this is dead for me.

    • Article 182. Violation of the inviolability of private life
    • Article 149. Human trafficking
    • Article 146. Illegal deprivation of liberty/will or kidnapping of a person
    • Article 127. Torture

    Abstract: We present BrainNet which, to our knowledge, is the first multi-person non-invasive direct brain-to-brain interface for collaborative problem solving. The interface combines electroencephalography (EEG) to record brain signals and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to deliver information noninvasively to the brain. The interface allows three human subjects to collaborate and solve a task using direct brain-to-brain communication. Two of the three subjects are designated as "Senders" whose brain signals are decoded using real-time EEG data analysis. The decoding process extracts each Sender's decision about whether to rotate a block in a Tetris-like game before it is dropped to fill a line. The Senders' decisions are transmitted via the Internet to the brain of a third subject, the "Receiver," who cannot see the game screen. The Senders' decisions are delivered to the Receiver's brain via magnetic stimulation of the occipital cortex. The Receiver integrates the information received from the two Senders and uses an EEG interface to make a decision about either turning the block or keeping it in the same orientation.

  • Focused magnetic stimulation for modulation of nerve circuits. Worldwide applications 2016 US 2017 EP JP.

    Totally affect human rights

    Criminals can try to make you think what your computer can control you thought screen or wifi or other parts, but in fact 'cracked' parts just damage your organs.

    Can damage will, freedom, consciousness, health. For start is a torture after long time this is dead for me.

    • Article 182. Violation of the inviolability of private life
    • Article 149. Human trafficking
    • Article 146. Illegal deprivation of liberty/will or kidnapping of a person
    • Article 127. Torture

    Description: A neuromodulation device includes electrically conductive coils arranged in an array and circuitry coupled to energize the coils in the array using current pulses that generate an electromagnetic field. The circuitry is configured to control one or more parameters of the current pulses, including at least amplitude and phase of the current pulses, such that the electromagnetic field undergoes constructive and destructive interference that focuses and/or steers a magnetic flux density within a region of interest of a patient.

  • Wireless Activation of Targeted Brain Circuits in Less Than One Second

    Totally affect human rights

    Most simple and dangerous way to manipulate.... if criminals use this for crimes

    Can damage will, freedom, privacy, consciousness, health. For start is a torture after long time this is dead for me.

    • Article 182. Violation of the inviolability of private life
    • Article 149. Human trafficking
    • Article 146. Illegal deprivation of liberty/will or kidnapping of a person
    • Article 127. Torture

    Summary: A newly developed system uses wireless technology to remotely activate specific brain networks in fruit flies in less than one second. Source: